Seville - Spain
Picture editor and photographer shooting in digital, 120mm and 35mm formats.
Works on personal and commissioned projects. 

︎ lhaurain@gmail.com
︎ Instagram



2023-2024 | MAPA Master’s Degree in Photography Creation, Secondary prize | Lens School of Visual Arts, Madrid
2022-2023 | Photo Editing and Visual Narrative. Methodologies | Lens School of Visual Arts, Madrid
2012- 2013 | Photography Lab Technician | Nestor Almendros, Sevilla
2009-2011  | Artistic Woodworking | School of Art and Higher Design, Sevilla

Workshops / Courses

2022 Photobook Café by Eduardo D’Acosta
2018  | Night Photography by Tolo parra, DarkRoom
2019  Photographic Storytelling by Alec Soth | Magnum Photos
2019  Photobook edition and visual storytelling by Musuk Nolte
2016  Photographic post-production for the imagination by Silvia Grav

Group Exhibitions

2024 | “Mirar dos veces”, Lens School of Visual Arts, Madrid, Spain
2022 |“Yo”, Lab Space, Seville, Spain
2022 17 Contest SVQ Joven, Seville, Spain
2020 RISO poster exhibition Voyage Kids x Puresu de Tokyo, Japan


Makes Ambitious Abstract Paintings and Murals | Palette Talk. LINK
Latitud 24 Fanzine | Lens Escuela. LINK
The New Age of Spanish Art: Contemporary Mysticism, Srger | Overstandard. LINK
Fraudulento | Mondosonoro
Gestos e intervenciones | Plataforma PAC. LINK
Del grano a la montaña, Srger, Cadiz | NEO2. LINK
Magazine | Piece with artist Issue #03. LINK
Del grano a la montaña, Srger, Madrid | NEO2. LINK
Interview | Chicha Proyectos. LINK
Editorial Beauty | 33Magazine
Review | Curating the Unseen 
Critique | Amateur Photographer Magazine - N 26 September 2015